Jonathan Wellman v. Thomas C Anderson

  • Court: Circuit Court, Florida
  • Case Number: 2020-CA-003383
  • Filed: June 11, 2020
  • Judges: Katie L  Dearing
  • Case Type: Auto Negligence Case
  • Cause: Negligence

Parties Involved

Verdict Information

  • Verdict Date: April 25, 2024
  • Damages awarded to Plaintiff: $1,210,000.00
    • Past and Future medical expenses: $600,000.00 each
    • Past Pain and suffering damages: $10,000


About the Negligence Case


The plaintiff, Jonathan Wellman, alleged that on October 31, 2018, the defendant, Thomas Craig Anderson, negligently operated his automobile, resulting in a collision with the plaintiff’s vehicle. Wellman asserted that Anderson owed a duty to exercise reasonable care in operating his vehicle to avoid injuring him. He claimed that Anderson breached this duty by failing to properly operate the vehicle, maintain a proper lookout, keep his vehicle under control, drive at an excessive speed, and not pay proper attention to the safety of Wellman and others.


Consequently, Wellman suffered bodily injury, pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, mental anguish, loss of enjoyment of life, hospitalization expenses, medical expenses, loss of earnings, diminished property value, and aggravation of a pre-existing condition.


Regarding damages, Wellman alleged that some of these losses were permanent or ongoing, and he would continue to suffer them in the future. Wellman demanded judgment for damages and costs against Anderson and requested a trial by jury.

 Jury Verdict

In the case of Johnathan Wellman, the jury awarded a total of $1,210,000.00 in damages. This amount encompassed $600,000.00 for both past and future medical expenses, reflecting the significant nature of his injuries. Additionally, the jury recognized Wellman’s enduring suffering by awarding $10,000 for past damages related to pain, suffering, mental anguish, inconvenience, physical impairment, scarring or disfigurement, and loss of capacity for enjoyment of life.