Valerie Jackson vs. Sarah Jack, James Jack

Case Background

Plaintiff Jackson filed a Rear-end collision lawsuit against Sarah Jack and James Jack in the Superior Court of Lowndes County, Georgia, on December 6, 2018 (Case number: 2018CV1967). Judge Brian A. McDaniel, Catherine M. Smith, Gregory A. Voyles, James E. Hardy, James G. Tunison Jr., James L. Prine, and Richard M. Cowart presided over the case.


On December 9, 2016, at approximately 3:45 p.m., Valerie Renae Jackson and Sarah Jack were involved in a rear-end automobile accident. The incident occurred at the I-16W ramp intersection in Macon, Georgia, during heavy traffic. Sarah Jack, the defendant, made a sudden and unexpected stop without any indication from her tail lights. Jackson alleged that Jack’s actions suggested uncertainty about her destination. After the collision, Jackson approached Jack’s vehicle to check on her well-being and to ask why she had stopped so abruptly. James Jack, the co-defendant, was also cited as a contributory factor because he owned the vehicle involved in the accident.


Following the accident, Jackson sought immediate medical attention at Northside Medical Centers on December 9, 2016. She returned for further treatment on December 11, 2016. The collision caused significant neck injuries, ultimately necessitating an Anterior Cervical Discectomy fusion procedure. This surgery involved removing damaged discs in Jackson’s neck and fusing the vertebrae to stabilize her spine. She continued to experience ongoing pain, discomfort, and limited mobility due to these injuries, which significantly impacted her quality of life and her ability to perform daily activities.


Jackson sought judgment against the defendants for the full amount of damages, $100,000.00, along with any other relief the court deemed just and proper. In her complaint, she emphasized that the defendants’ actions were the direct and proximate cause of her injuries and losses, warranting full compensation under Georgia law.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal representation

  • Plaintiff(s):Valerie Renae Jackson
  • Defendant(s):Sarah Jack | James Jack
    • Counsel for Defendants: Craig Cowart | Wendy Sullivan Heiman


Jackson alleged that Sarah Jack’s negligence in making a sudden, unexpected stop without proper signaling directly caused the rear-end collision. She contended that Jack failed to exercise due care while operating her vehicle, especially given the heavy traffic conditions on the I-16W ramp.

Furthermore, Jackson claimed that James Jack was partially responsible as the owner of the vehicle involved in the accident. She based this allegation on the legal concept of vicarious liability, which holds vehicle owners responsible for the negligent actions of those they allow to drive their cars.


The defendants asserted that they breached no duty owed to the plaintiff and denied that their actions proximately caused the incident or the damages alleged. They argued that the collision resulted from Jackson’s failure to exercise ordinary care for her own safety. The defendants claimed that Jackson’s negligence was equal to or greater than any alleged negligence on their part, which they specifically denied.

The Jacks also contended that Jackson had the last clear chance to avoid the accident but failed to do so. They argued that Jackson did not exercise ordinary care, which directly caused or contributed to her alleged injuries. Additionally, the defendants claimed that Jackson, through ordinary care, could have avoided the consequences of their alleged negligence. They argued that Jackson was fully aware of the circumstances and voluntarily assumed the risk of the damages she claimed.

While acknowledging the heavy traffic on the day of the collision, the defendants denied Jackson’s allegations regarding a sudden stop and unclear driving intentions. They neither admitted nor denied Jackson’s claims about her medical treatment and injuries, stating they lacked sufficient knowledge to form a belief about these allegations.

Jury Verdict

On June 25, 2024, the jury found in favor of the defendant in Rear-end collision lawsuit.

Court Documents:

Available Upon Request