Taekwon Taylor et al v. Howard Taylor

Parties Involved

  • Plaintiff(s):Taekwon Taylor | Taichi Thomas
    • Counsel for Plaintiff: Weber & Rubano | Frederick P Leaf | Law Offices of Meehan, Di Palma, Roberts & Turret


  • Defendant(s): Howard Taylor
    • Counsel for Defendants: Howard Kohn Sprague & Fitzgerald

 Verdict Information

  • Verdict Date: April 10,2024
  • Damages awarded to Plaintiff(s): $0 (Verdict for Defendant)

About the Case


The auto accident lawsuit stemmed from a rear-end collision on August 6, 2020, at approximately 10:03 a.m. The incident took place on Ellsworth Avenue in New Haven, Connecticut. The plaintiffs, Taekwon Taylor and Taichi Thomas, made allegations against Howard Taylor, the defendant. They claimed that Howard Taylor had been driving his vehicle at an excessive and unreasonable speed. This was in disregard of the traffic and road conditions on Ellsworth Avenue.

According to the lawsuit, Taekwon Taylor had properly checked to ensure the road was clear before pulling his parked vehicle onto Ellsworth Avenue. However, Howard Taylor, who was traveling behind Taylor’s vehicle, allegedly failed to maintain proper lookout and control of his vehicle. Despite having an opportunity to do so, Taylor purportedly did not apply his brakes in a timely or sufficient manner, failed to sound his horn or provide any warning, and did not attempt any evasive actions, such as turning, to avoid the impending rear-end collision.

The plaintiffs asserted that the rear-end accident was solely caused by Howard Taylor’s negligent driving conduct, which allegedly violated Connecticut statutes and common law regarding reasonable speed, proper control and lookout, staying in one’s lane except when safe to change lanes, and taking precautions to avoid foreseeable collisions.


Regarding injuries, the lawsuit claimed that Taekwon Taylor, the driver of the rear-ended vehicle, suffered serious bodily injuries directly resulting from Howard Taylor’s negligent driving. These injuries included a left rib contusion, likely causing significant pain and limited mobility in his upper body and torso. Taekwon Taylor was also alleged to have sustained traumatic injuries to his thoracic and lumbar spinal regions, potentially causing debilitating pain, numbness, loss of motion, and strength, along with radiculopathy.

In addition to physical injuries, Taekwon Taylor was said to have endured and continued to suffer associated pain and suffering from the accident’s impact on his body, manifesting as chronic physical discomfort, emotional distress, disability, and diminished quality of life.

As for Taichi Thomas, the passenger in Taekwon Taylor’s vehicle, the lawsuit claimed she also sustained spinal injuries across various regions due to the force of the rear-end impact, causing persistent pain, limited mobility, and impaired neurological functioning. Additionally, Thomas allegedly suffered headaches possibly indicative of a concussion or other head/brain injury, along with developing radiculopathy and experiencing physical pain, mental anguish, anxiety, frustration, and emotional distress caused by the accident’s impact on her body and life.


The lawsuit sought compensatory damages for the plaintiffs’ bodily injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other damages resulting from the rear-end collision accident caused by the defendant’s negligent driving.

Jury Verdict

The New Haven  jury verdict returned a finding in favor of the defendant, Howard Taylor, against the plaintiff, Taekwon Taylor.

Court Documents: Available upon Request