Heidi Jordon v. Publix Supermarkets Inc.

Case Background

Plaintiff Heidi Jordan filed the slip and fall lawsuit on July 30, 2021, in the Circuit Court of Lake County, Florida (Case number: 35-2021-CA-001339). The case was classified as a Negligence-Premises Liability Commercial matter. This case was presided over by the Dan R. Mosley.


On August 23, 2020, Heidi Jordan visited a Publix Super Market located at 27615 US-27 #U, Leesburg, Florida, as a business invitee. While shopping in the produce department, she slipped on food/produce on the floor and sustained injuries. Publix Super Markets, Inc., a Florida corporation, owned and operated the store at the time of the incident. The plaintiff alleged that Publix failed to maintain safe premises, neglected to inspect and warn of hazards, and did not adequately train staff to prevent dangerous conditions.


As a result of the fall, Heidi Jordan suffered bodily injuries affecting various parts of her body and extremities. The incident caused her pain and suffering, disability, disfigurement, and permanent and significant scarring. She also experienced mental anguish and lost her capacity for the enjoyment of life.


The plaintiff incurred expenses for hospitalization, medical care, and nursing treatment. She suffered a loss of earnings and a diminished ability to earn money in the future. The accident also aggravated a pre-existing condition. Heidi Jordan claimed that her losses were either permanent or continuing, and she would continue to suffer these losses in the future. Jordan sought damages exceeding $30,000, plus interest and costs.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal representation

  • Plaintiff(s):Heidi Jordon
    • Counsel for Plaintiff: Michael C. Woodard, Esq


  • Defendant(s):Publix Supermarkets Inc.
    • Counsel for Defendants: Lindsey Freeman, Esq


Heidi Jordan sued Publix Super Markets, Inc. for negligence, alleging that the company breached its non-delegable duty to exercise reasonable care for her safety. She claimed that Publix failed to maintain the premises properly, neglected to inspect and warn of hazards, and did not correct known dangerous conditions. The plaintiff also alleged that Publix failed to have adequate staff on duty, did not train employees properly, and engaged in a dangerous mode of operations. Additionally, she claimed that Publix either failed to render aid after her fall or negligently provided aid.


Publix Super Markets, Inc. responded to Heidi Jordan’s complaint with several key defenses. They admitted to owning and operating the store where the incident occurred but denied most of the plaintiff’s allegations of negligence and resulting injuries. Publix asserted multiple affirmative defenses. They claimed that Jordan’s own negligence was the sole or contributing cause of her alleged damages, arguing for the application of comparative negligence to bar or reduce any potential recovery. The company also stated that if any negligence occurred, it was solely due to third parties not under Publix’s control. Furthermore, Publix maintained that they had no actual or constructive notice of the alleged dangerous condition, or alternatively, that the condition was open and obvious to Jordan. They argued that Jordan knew or should have known of the potential hazards and voluntarily chose to expose herself to them. Publix also claimed that Jordan failed to mitigate her damages as required by Florida law. They requested credit or set-off for any payments made to Jordan from collateral sources.

Jury Verdict

On June 28, 2024, The jury returned a verdict in favor of the plaintiff, Heidi Jordan, in her case against Publix. They awarded damages in two categories. First, the jury determined that Jordan would incur $266,750.00 in future medical expenses as a result of Publix’s negligence. Second, they awarded $3,994,660.80 for non-economic damages covering both past and future damages. The total damages awarded to Heidi Jordan amounted to $4,261,410.80 in slip and fall lawsuit.

Court Documents:



Jury Verdict