Craig Koenekoop v. Uber Technologies, Inc., Et Al

  • Court: California, Superior Court, Los Angeles County
  • Case number: 20STCV18978
  • Filed: May 18, 2020
  • Judge: Hon. Michael I. Levanas | Steven A. Ellis | Rolf M. Treu | Serena R. Murillo
  • Case type: (1061) Motor Vehicle – Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death (General Jurisdiction); Civil

Parties Involved

Verdict Information

  • Verdict date: April 10, 2024
  • Total damages awarded to Plaintiff: $6,768,071.46
    • Economic Damages: $768,071.46.
      • Past medical expenses: $253,571.46
      • Future medical expenses: $514,500
    • Non-Economic Damages: $6,000,000
      • Past non-economic damages: $4,000,000
      • Future non-economic damages: $2,000,000

About the Case


On December 20, 2018, Plaintiff Craig Koenekoop went for a run around 7:35 p.m. He was running west on Melrose Avenue, nearing the intersection with Orlando Avenue. At that time, driver James Thompson, the Defendant, was logged into the Uber App, driving east on Melrose Avenue to pick up two passengers from whom he had accepted a ride request. As Thompson turned right onto Orlando Avenue, his vehicle hit Plaintiff.

Defendant Thompson negligently, carelessly, and unlawfully operated their vehicle, causing it to collide with Koenekoop and resulting in personal injuries and damages to him. He filed a lawsuit against James Thompson, claiming negligence while driving the vehicle, and Uber Technologies, Inc., Rasier-CA, LLC, and Rasier, LLC (“Uber”), alleging they were responsible for Thompson’s negligence under vicarious liability.


Due to Defendant’s negligence, Koenekoop had to undergo medical treatment and incurred medical expenses, along with experiencing pain and suffering and property damage. About a month after the disputed incident, he began to experience right hip pain. MRIs conducted in 2019 on both hips revealed labral tears, chondral loss, and osteoarthritis. He was diagnosed with Femoroacetabular Impingement (FAI). Additionally, he also underwent bilateral arthroscopic labral repair and osteoplasty.


Plaintiff Koenekoop requested a judgment for the costs of the lawsuit and compensatory damages as proven, seeking fair and equitable relief.

Jury Verdict

On April 10, 2024, a California jury found that James Thompson had been negligent which had caused substantial harm to Plaintiff. Accordingly, the jury awarded $253,571.46 for past medical expenses,  $514,500 for future medical expenses, $4,000,000 for past non-economic loss, and $2,000,000 for future non-economic loss. Hence, a total of  $6,768,071.46 was awarded to Plaintiff.

On April 30, 2024, Hon. Michael I. Levanas entered a judgment on the verdict upholding it and stating that Plaintiff was entitled to recover $6,768,071.46 from Defendants at the rate of 10% p.a from the date of judgment until paid.

Court Documents:

Available upon request