Teresa Cisneros vs. Alexander Arjomand

  • Court: California, Superior Court, Los Angeles County
  • Case number: 20STCV26208
  • Filed: July 13, 2020
  • Judge: Gregory W. Alarcon | Lynne M. Hobbs | Jill Feeney
  • Case type: (1108) Personal Injury/Property Damage/Wrongful Death – Uninsured Motorist (General Jurisdiction); Civil

Parties Involved

Verdict Information

  • Verdict date: March 25, 2024
  • Total damages awarded to Plaintiff: $27,500
  • Final damages after adjusting 25% of Plaintiff’s contributory negligence: $20,625

About the Case


On November 21, 2019, around 8:00 a.m., at the intersection of Wilshire Boulevard and Barry Avenue in Los Angeles, California 90025, within the jurisdiction of the Superior Court of the State of California, County of Los Angeles, Plaintiff Teresa Cisneros, driving a silver 2001 Toyota Tacoma, attempted to make a left turn from westbound Wilshire Boulevard onto southbound Barry Avenue. At that moment, Defendant Alexander Arjomand, driving a black 2017 Audi A4, negligently, carelessly, and unlawfully operated his vehicle and collided with Cisneros’ Toyota Tacoma.

At the time, place, and date mentioned, it is believed that Defendant Alexander Arjomand was driving in the bus lane of eastbound Wilshire Boulevard. As a result of this collision, Cisneros’ vehicle flipped onto its side, trapping her inside. Firefighters had to assist her in exiting the vehicle. Following the incident, Cisneros was transported to the emergency room for medical attention.

On July 13, 2020, a personal injury action was initiated against Defendant on the counts of motor vehicle and general negligence.


Defendant Alexander Arjomand’s negligence and carelessness directly caused Plaintiff Teresa Cisneros to experience physical damages, emotional distress, general and special damages, and incur medical bills. Additionally, she suffered wage loss, property damage, loss of property use, hospital expenses, and loss of earning capacity. Teresa Cisneros asserted injuries including traumatic brain injury, concussion, and injuries to her right shoulder, neck, and lower back. She allegedly underwent a PRP injection for her right shoulder and anticipated needing epidural injections for her lower back in the future.


The Plaintiff requested judgment for lawsuit costs and sought fair, just, and equitable relief, including compensatory damages based on evidence. No past or future medical bills were presented. The Plaintiff sought past and future non-economic damages from the jury. During the trial, Plaintiff requested that the jury award a total of $7,475,520, comprising $1,518,720 for past non-economic damages and $5,956,800 for future non-economic damages.

Jury Verdict

On March 25, 2024. a California jury of twelve persons found that Defendant Alexander Arjomand had been negligent which had caused substantial harm to Plaintiff Teresa Cisneros. Accordingly, they awarded $27,500 in past non-economic damages.

However, the jury also found that Plaintiff Teresa Cisneros had been negligent which had been a factor in causing harm to her. The jury attributed 75% of the responsibility for the harm caused to Alexander Arjomand and 25% of the responsibility to Teresa Cisneros. Therefore, after adjusting the percentage of responsibility with the amount of damages, the final amount stood at $20,625. On April 18, 2024, Hon. Gregory W. Alarcon a judgment on the verdict was entered affirming the verdict.

Court Documents:

Available upon request