Freeman, Denise R. vs Townsend, Patrick A.

Parties Involved

  • Plaintiff: Denise R. Freeman
    • Counsel for Plaintiff: James Elliott Gingrich
  • Defendant: Patrick A. Townsend | Does 1-25
    • Counsel for Defendant: Channone M Sheller

Verdict Information

  • Verdict date: April 18, 2024
  • Total damages awarded to the Plaintiff: $0.00

About the Case


On November 21, 2018, Plaintiff Denise R. Freeman filed a complaint alleging property damage and personal injury related to a motor vehicle. The defendant who operated a motor vehicle is Patrick A. Townsend. The defendants who employed the persons who operated a motor vehicle in the course of their employment were Does 6 to 10. The defendants who owned the motor vehicle which was operated with their permission are Patrick A. Townsend and Does 11 to 15. The defendants who entrusted the motor vehicle are Does 16 to 20. The defendants who were the agents and employees of the other defendants and acted within the scope of the agency were Does 21-25.

The plaintiff alleged the acts of the defendants were negligent and that the acts were the legal proximate cause of injuries and damages to the plaintiff. The disputed acts occurred on December 2, 2016, at West 8th Street between the railroad crossing and Walnut Street in Chico, Butte County, California.


As a result of the defendant’s negligence, the plaintiff allegedly incurred wage loss, loss of use of property, hospital and medical expenses, general damage, property damage, and loss of earning capacity


The Plaintiff Denise R. Freeman prayed for judgment for the costs of the suit and fair, just, and equitable relief. The Plaintiff also sought compensatory damages in an amount that was to be determined by proof.

Jury Verdict

On April 18, 2024, a California jury of twelve persons and two alternates found that Defendant Patrick A. Townsend’s negligence was not a substantial factor in causing harm to the plaintiff. Denise R. Freeman was awarded no damages. On May 7, 2024, in accordance with the jury verdict, a judgment was entered affirming the verdict.

Court Documents:

Available upon request