Charles Beyer v. Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park, LLC

Parties Involved

 Verdict Information

  • Verdict Date: May 3, 2024
  • Damages awarded to Plaintiff(s): $9,000,00
    • Past non-economic damages: $3,000,00
    • Future non-economic damages: $6,000,00


About the Case


This case revolves around a water park injury lawsuit filed by Charles Beyer against Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park LLC after he sustained severe ankle injuries while participating in their “lily pads” water attraction. The incident occurred on August 6, 2016, at Brownstone’s outdoor recreational facility in Portland, Connecticut.


The “lily pads” attraction consisted of five circular floating pads, approximately 5 feet in diameter each, anchored to the quarry floor below via cables or ropes. As Beyer fell feet-first into the water after sliding off the fifth lily pad, his left ankle struck a sharp, submerged object that was part of this anchoring mechanism. This impact caused severe lacerations, nerve damage, scarring, infection, and swelling to Beyer’s left foot and ankle area.

In his water park injury lawsuit against Brownstone, Beyer alleges multiple instances of negligence that directly led to his injuries. The suit argues that Brownstone was aware or should have been aware of the unsafe anchoring system with exposed sharp edges underwater but failed to remedy this hazard. Instead of properly inspecting and maintaining the lily pads attraction in reasonably safe conditions, Brownstone neglected to adequately warn Beyer about the concealed underwater hazard. The lawsuit states that the water park lacked proper safety procedures and maintenance protocols for the lily pads, created an inherently unsafe attraction design, and failed to hire staff adequately trained to properly evaluate and approve such an activity.

By installing a submerged, sharp object in an area where patrons like Beyer would likely enter the water at high speeds and be unaware of its presence, Brownstone permitted an unsafe condition that led directly to Beyer’s injuries.


As a direct result of Brownstone’s alleged negligence, Beyer claims he required extensive medical treatment for his injuries and may need further care in the future, including for potential permanent nerve damage to the ankle area.


As a result of the injuries from the water park accident, the lawsuit states Beyer suffered physical discomfort, pain, suffering, mental anguish, a loss of earning capacity, and incurred substantial medical expenses. It seeks monetary damages for Beyer’s injuries, which include nerve damage that may be permanent. Additionally, the plaintiff demands compensation not less than $15,000.00, exclusive of interest and costs. For these reasons, Plaintiff seeks monetary damages of no less than $15,000, exclusive of interest and costs.

 Jury verdict

The jury rules in favor of the plaintiff, Charles Beyer, against the defendant, Brownstone Exploration & Discovery Park, LLC. The awarded damages include $3,000,00 for past non-economic damages and $6,000,00 for future non-economic damages, resulting in total damages of $9,000,00. As per Middletown press article, Beyer’s lawyers said pre-judgement interest brought the total  to at least $13 million.

Court Documents:


Jury Verdict

Press Release: