Johnson, Sharon v. Royal Pines, LLC Et Al

  • Court: Connecticut Superior Court, Bridgeport JD
  • Case number: FBT-CV20-6099516-S
  • Filed: August 21, 2020
  • Judge: Hon William Clark
  • Case type: T03 – Torts – Defective Premises – Private – Other

Parties Involved

Verdict Information

  • Verdict date: February 15, 2024
  • Final Damages awarded to the Plaintiff: $254,564.36

About the Case


Royal Pines LLC owned the property at 572 White Plains Road in Trumbull, Connecticut. Daniel Schopick used the premises as a law office named Steiber and Schopick under a lease agreement. Schopick was responsible for inspecting, maintaining, and repairing the premises, including the interior stairwell. Sharon Johnson and others used this stairwell to conduct business with the law office.

On January 30, 2019, the plaintiff arrived at the premises to conduct business. She began to walk up the interior stairwell but tripped over the top step and fell forward, striking her head against the drywall. The plaintiff’s fall resulted from the defendants’ negligence and carelessness. She alleged that the area where she fell was not adequately lit. The defendant did not hire or employ enough staff to maintain the premises free of defects. Additionally, the defendant failed to warn others about the dangerous conditions. The defendant did not make the necessary repairs and keep the common areas clean and safe. The plaintiff further claimed the defendant failed to recognize the safety hazard created by the defective stairs’ design, construction, and maintenance.


Due to the defendants’ carelessness and negligence, Sharon Johnson suffered severe, painful, and permanent injuries. She experienced a head injury with pain and tenderness. Additionally, she had headaches and aggravated a prior headache disorder. She sustained a closed fracture of the nasal bone and multiple contusions.
Furthermore, she suffered injuries to her neck, cervical spine, and thoracic spine. Johnson also felt pain and tenderness in her chest wall and lumbar spine. She experienced pain in her right shoulder, arm, and upper extremity. Moreover, she had injuries to both legs, knees, and ankles.


Due to the defendants’ negligence, the plaintiff incurred costs for necessary medical care, treatment, and diagnostics. She could no longer perform daily activities without pain. Additionally, she would require future medical treatment at a significant expense. She claimed damages against the defendants. The demanded amount exceeded $15,000, excluding interest and costs.

Jury Verdict

On February 15, 2024, a Connecticut jury rendered the verdict in favor of the plaintiff in the instant trip and fall lawsuit. The jury found that defendant Royal Pines’s negligence was a substantial factor in causing harm to the plaintiff. Defendant Schopick was exonerated as the jury did not find them guilty of negligence.

The total damages came up to $299,487.48 which included $174,487.48 for past economic damages, $90,000 for future economic damages, and $35,000 for non-economic damages.

The jury attributed 85% of the negligence to Royal Pines LLC and 15% of the negligence to Sharon Johnson. Thus, the final damages awarded to the Plaintiff after taking into account the percentage of negligence was $254,564.36.

Court Documents:

