Kirkpatrick Morrow, et al. vs. Jean Paul Anagnos, et al

Parties Involved

  • Plaintiff(s): Kirkpatrick Morrow | Susan Morrow
    • Counsel for Plaintiff: Sam Nordean


  • Defendant(s):Anagnos Demos et al. Trust |  Jean Paul Anagnos | Aris Anagnos a.k.a. Aris & Carolyn Anagnos Peace Center Foundation |  Aris Anagnos a.k.a. Aris & Carolyn Anagnos Peace Center Foundation | Aris Anagnos Charitable Trust |  Aris Anagnos Charitable Trust Doe 1
    • Counsel for Defendants: John A. Delis | Mark Gnesin

Verdict Information

  • Verdict Date: May 2, 2023
  • Total damages awarded to Plaintiff: $521,150
    •  For past medical expenses: $201,150
    •  For future estimated medical costs: $20,000
    •  For past non-economic losses: $300,000

About the Case


Kirkpatrick Morrow and Susan Morrow filed a lawsuit against Jean Paul Anagnos, Anagnos Demos Et Al Trust, Aris Anagnos Charitable Trust, and unknown individuals identified as Does 1 to 15. The defendants were the owners, managers, and operators of a commercial property located at 3916 Sepulveda Blvd., Culver City, CA 90230.

On August 12, 2020, Kirkpatrick Morrow drove his wife, Susan Morrow, to her physical therapy appointment at Blessed Physical Therapy, which was located inside the defendants’ property. While waiting for his wife in his parked vehicle, Kirkpatrick Morrow was approached by Anagnos, who was employed by the property owners as the property manager.

Anagnos aggressively questioned Kirkpatrick Morrow’s presence on the premises and demanded that he leave. When Kirkpatrick Morrow refused, explaining that he was waiting for his wife, Anagnos escalated the situation by carrying a black mace container and intentionally pepper-spraying Kirkpatrick Morrow directly in the face for several seconds while he was seated in his vehicle. Kirkpatrick Morrow poured water on his face to alleviate the effects of the pepper spray and called for emergency assistance from the police. Meanwhile, Anagnos retreated into the building, continuing to act aggressively. Kirkpatrick Morrow approached the building and held the door shut to prevent Anagnos from escaping or further attacking him.


The complaint stated that the pepper spray attack by Anagnos resulted in serious injuries to Kirkpatrick Morrow. He sustained an avulsion laceration to his lower lip, a right scaphoid fracture, puncture wounds to his right breast and forearm, a wrist injury, scarring, post-traumatic stress disorder, and other injuries to his nerves, muscles, and soft tissues. Some of these injuries were believed to be permanent. Due to the severity of his injuries, Kirkpatrick Morrow required emergency medical treatment at Backus Hospital and subsequent transfer to Hartford Hospital.

In addition to the physical injuries, the complaint alleged that Susan Morrow suffered emotional and mental injuries as a result of witnessing the altercation between her husband and Anagnos. It stated that she became emotionally distressed and experienced fear for her own life and well-being, as well as fear for her husband’s life, while observing Anagnos’s aggressive and hostile behavior inside the building.

Additionally, the plaintiffs argued that the property owners were negligent in creating a dangerous condition on their premises by employing Anagnos as the property manager and failing to take reasonable precautions to prevent such incidents. They alleged that the property owners owed a duty of care to keep the premises safe for lawful visitors like the plaintiffs.


The plaintiffs sought compensatory damages for their injuries, emotional distress, medical expenses, lost wages, and other pecuniary losses resulting from the defendants’ actions. They also sought punitive damages against Anagnos for his alleged malicious and oppressive conduct.

Jury Verdict

The jury rendered a verdict that Defendant Jean Paul Anagnos must compensate Plaintiff Kirkpatrick Morrow a total of $521,150 in damages. This amount included $201,150 for past medical expenses and $20,000 for future estimated medical costs. Additionally, $300,000 was awarded for past non-economic losses.

Court Documents:

Available upon Request