Doe 1 Et Al V. United States Twirling Association, Inc. Et Al

  • Court: United States District Court, New York Eastern (Central Islip)
  • Case number: 2:22cv5399
  • Filed: September 09, 2022
  • Judge: Judge Orelia E. Merchant
  • Assigned to: Magistrate Judge Steven Tiscione
  • Case type: Personal Injury (360)
  • Cause: Personal Injury

Parties Involved

Verdict Information

  • Verdict date: May 31, 2024
  • Total damages awarded to the Plaintiff: $4,2000,000.00
    • Past Damages $3,000,000.00
    • Future Damages $1,200,000.00

About the Case


Plaintiff Jane Doe 1, a renowned baton twirler, embarked on a trip to Peru in 2019 as a U.S. ambassador. Her parents, Jane Doe 2 and John Doe 1, entrusted her safety to the USTA. However, the trip was marred by incompetence and negligence.

The United States Twirling Association, Inc. (USTA), led by President Karen Cammer, failed to adequately vet the trip’s organizer, Jacobo, and overlooked crucial security and logistical arrangements. Despite promises of private security and attentive chaperones, the reality was starkly different.

Concerns arose among the twirlers and their families as the trip approached. They questioned the legitimacy and safety of the arrangements, prompting frantic emails and texts seeking reassurance. However, their worries were dismissed or met with hollow promises.

Upon arrival in Peru, the situation worsened. Victim found herself alone without proper support, waiting in an airport with no chaperone or security. Koralea, the designated chaperone, proved grossly incompetent, leaving Victim vulnerable to discomfort and danger.

As the trip progressed, the twirlers faced alarming incidents, including inadequate provisions, unwanted attention from Jacobo, and suspicions of drugging. Despite repeated warnings to USTA officials, including Cammer, the concerns were brushed aside or met with false assurances.

Victim’s distress culminated in a harrowing sexual assault where she was drugged and sexually abused by Jacobo. Despite frantic attempts by her family and fellow twirlers to secure her safety and return home, the USTA’s response remained inadequate and dismissive. The Plaintiffs filed a lawsuit against the Defendants, alleging six counts of negligent, reckless, and malicious misconduct, negligent and fraudulent misrepresentation, negligent supervision, negligent hiring, training, retention, and supervision, negligent infliction of emotional distress, and loss of consortium.


Due to the Defendants’ incompetence, the Victim suffered from the trauma of her abuse, sexual assault and betrayal in Peru. Consequently, she endured emotional distress, physical ailments, and mental anguish. Additionally, she faced depression, anxiety, trauma, and other detrimental effects, affecting her self-esteem and life enjoyment. Moreover, she would have to bear lifelong medical and psychological expenses as a result of the sexual assault. Furthermore, the Plaintiffs suffered economic losses due to the Defendants’ misconduct, covering travel and medical expenses. The Defendants’ negligent infliction of emotional distress directly caused severe suffering and consequential injuries to the Victim.


A jury trial was requested. Consequently, Plaintiffs demanded judgment seeking compensatory and punitive damages exceeding $75,000 jointly and severally against Defendants United States Twirling Association, Karen Cammer, and Koralea Slagle. They also requested attorneys’ fees, interest, and any other just relief deemed fit.

Jury Verdict

On May 31, 2024, a New York jury gave a $4.2 million verdict in favor of the Plaintiffs. The jury attributed 88% of the fault to United States Twirling Association, Inc and 12% of the fault of attributed to Koralea Slagle. No fault was attributed to Karen Cammer. The jury awarded $3,000,000 as past damages and $1,200,000 as future damages, bringing the total to $4,200,000 as compensatory damages. Out of this total, USTA was to pay $3,696,000 and Slagle was responsible for $504,000 of the award.

Court Documents:

Available upon request

News Article:

Champion US baton twirler wins $4.2M verdict after being sexually assaulted during nightmare trip to Peru