Darnell v. Dawson

Case Background

Plaintiff Natalie Darnell filed an auto negligence lawsuit seeking damages after a rear-end motor vehicle accident that took place at an intersection in Indiana. The case was filed in the


On the afternoon of March 1, 2022, Natalie Darnell drove west on Ridge Road in Highland. Behind her, Carrie Dawson also traveled west in her vehicle. As Darnell halted for a red light at the intersection with Prairie Avenue, Dawson collided with her from behind.


The record did not specify the details of Darnell’s claimed injuries. Her medical expenses totaled $33,971, with $17,424 paid. Consequently, Darnell’s medical providers wrote off $16,547 from her bills. They accepted the lower amount as full payment.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal Representation

  • Plaintiff(s): Natalie Darnell
    • Counsel for Plaintiff(s): David S. Gladish
  • Defendant(s): Carrie Dawson
    • Counsel for Defendant(s): Christine Reisner Bond and Taylor A. Poulos


Darnell filed a lawsuit against Dawson, holding her responsible for causing the crash. She claimed that Dawson’s negligence in operating her vehicle had caused her to sustain damages.


Dawson acknowledged her fault in the crash but questioned the impact’s severity. She stated that she merely “rolled into” the back of Darnell’s vehicle. Dawson claimed the impact was too minor to cause any compensable injury. Therefore, she disputed the nature, extent, and cause of Darnell’s claimed injuries.

Jury Verdict

The case was tried for two days in Crown Point, focusing only on the issue of damages. On February 27, 2024, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Darnell. They awarded her damages totaling $27,424. The court then entered a judgment for that amount, and Dawson fulfilled the payment.

Court Documents:
