Huff Lance v.  Schmidt Baking Company

Parties Involved

  • Plaintiff(s):Huff Lance
    • Counsel for Plaintiff: James V. Sabatini


  • Defendant(s):Schmidt Banking Company
    • Counsel for Defendants: Rogin Nassau| PHV  Brianna D. Gaddy | PHV Veronica Jackson

Verdict Information

  • Verdict Date: June 25, 2024
  • Total damages awarded to Plaintiff: $0 (Verdict for Plaintiff)

About the Case


Lance Huff, an African American resident of Hamden, Connecticut, filed a discrimination complaint against Schmidt Baking Company. Huff was hired as a delivery driver on March 11, 2020, and worked from a facility in East Haven, Connecticut. Despite promises of receiving his own route after training, Huff was repeatedly assigned as a helper to other drivers. This pattern of unfulfilled promises continued even after Huff agreed to train new employees in New York.

During his employment, Huff encountered racist remarks from a supervisor named John. On a delivery trip, John made offensive comments about “MLK Boulevard” and used racially charged language. Huff reported this incident to his supervisor, Matt, but no disciplinary action was taken against John. This lack of response highlighted potential issues with the company’s handling of discrimination complaints.

Huff’s work situation further deteriorated when he was briefly given a route, only to have a white employee named Donna accompany him. Donna informed Huff that the route wasn’t actually his, suggesting a pattern of unequal treatment based on race. The situation came to a head on May 2, 2020, when Huff encountered difficulties making a delivery to a Shop Rite store in Cromwell, Connecticut. Following this incident, Huff was abruptly terminated, allegedly due to a complaint from the store to corporate headquarters. He also alleged that his termination was retaliation for his earlier complaints about racial discrimination.


Lance Huff suffered significant injuries as a result of the alleged discrimination and retaliation by Schmidt Baking Company. He experienced severe humiliation, embarrassment, and emotional distress due to the racist comments and unfair treatment he endured in the workplace. The company’s actions deprived Huff of work and equal employment opportunities based on his race, causing him to lose income and wages. He also lost access to employee benefits he was entitled to under the company’s plan. The abrupt termination not only caused immediate financial hardship but also harmed Huff’s professional reputation, potentially impacting his future career prospects. These injuries extended beyond just financial losses, encompassing psychological and emotional harm that persisted even after his employment ended.


Huff sought a range of damages in his lawsuit, including compensatory damages, back pay, front pay, emotional distress compensation, punitive damages, and attorneys’ fees. He also requested job reinstatement and the removal of adverse information from his personnel file. The case underscored the ongoing challenges of workplace discrimination and the importance of proper handling of discrimination complaints by employers.

Jury Verdict

The jury found in favor of the defendant and against the plaintiff, Lance Huff.

Court Documents: 

Available upon Request