Ferreira David, Vanessa v. Gautrau, Christopher

Case Background

On January 3, 2023, Vanessa Ferreira-David filed a lawsuit against Christopher Gautrau alleging negligence following a motor vehicle accident that had occurred while exiting a parking lot. This case was filed before the Connecticut Superior Court, Litchfield Division. Judges Ann Lynch and Walter Menjivar presided over this case. [Case number: LLI-CV23-6032424-S]


On January 1, 2022, at around 5:21 p.m., the Plaintiff, Vanessa Ferreira-David, was driving a vehicle while exiting the parking lot at 20 Danbury Road. She was in the right-hand lane of two and was turning right onto Danbury Road, a public street in New Milford, Connecticut. At the same time, the Defendant, Christopher Gautrau, was driving a vehicle in the left-hand lane of the same parking lot and was also making a right turn onto Danbury Road.

Suddenly and without warning, Gautrau’s vehicle veered into Ferreira-David’s lane and collided with her vehicle. This collision caused Vanessa Ferreira-David to suffer various injuries and losses.


Due to the negligence of the Defendant, Christopher Gautrau, the Plaintiff, Vanessa Ferreira-David, suffered several injuries. Some of these injuries were permanent. She experienced head pain and persistent headaches. Additionally, she endured neck pain, back pain, and pain in her right ankle. Furthermore, Vanessa Ferreira-David also faced significant mental and physical pain and suffering.


Due to the negligence of Defendant Christopher Gautrau, Plaintiff Vanessa Ferreira-David, incurred significant expenses for hospital and medical care. She paid for medicines, diagnostic tests, and therapy, all essential for her recovery. She might also need to spend more money in the future.

Additionally, because of the Defendant’s negligence, Vanessa Ferreira-David could not participate in or enjoy her usual activities. She remains unable to engage in these activities.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal Representation

  • Plaintiff(s): Vanessa Ferreira-David
    • Counsel for Plaintiff(s): Garrett M. Moore
  • Defendant(s): Christopher Gautrau
    • Counsel for Defendant(s): Alex Blishteyn


Plaintiff claimed that the collision resulted from the negligence of Defendant, Christopher Gautrau, in several ways. First, he failed to keep a proper lookout for other vehicles on the road. Additionally, he did not turn or swerve to avoid the collision. He also failed to apply the brakes in time and did not use the horn to warn of the impending crash. Furthermore, he lacked proper control over the vehicle and was inattentive while driving.

Gautrau operated the vehicle at an excessive speed, disregarding the width, traffic, road conditions, and weather, which violated Sec. 14-218a of the Connecticut General Statutes. He also failed to stay in the right-hand lane as required by Sec. 14-230(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Moreover, he overtook other vehicles on the left when it was unsafe to do so, violating Sec. 14-232 of the Connecticut General Statutes.

He did not keep the vehicle within a single lane and moved out of the lane without ensuring safety, violating Sec. 14-236(1) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Gautrau drove too close to another vehicle, impeding traffic, which violated Sec. 14-240(b) of the Connecticut General Statutes. Finally, he turned the vehicle unsafely, violating Sec. 14-242(a) of the Connecticut General Statutes.


Defendant Christopher Gautrau denied all allegations of negligence and causation of injury. Gautrau claimed he lacked sufficient knowledge about the truth of the Plaintiff’s allegations and placed the burden of proof on her. He also denied any injuries or damages resulting from his actions.

Gautrau’s First Special Defense argued that any injuries or damages claimed by the Plaintiff were due to her own negligence, such as failing to maintain a proper lookout or control of her vehicle. His Second Special Defense reserved the right to add more defenses as additional facts arise during discovery.

Jury Verdict

On August 13, 2024, the Connecticut jury reached a verdict in favor of the defendant, Christopher Gautrau. 100% of the liability was placed on the Plaintiff for the accident. Consequently, no damages were awarded.

Court Documents:


