Maria Guzman vs. Lucas Rodriguez, et al

Case Background

On December 23, 2020, Plaintiff Maria Guzman filed a Car crash lawsuit lawsuit in the Connecticut State, Superior Court of Bridgeport Judicial District (Case number: FBT-CV21-6102689-S). Judge Mark Gould presided over the case.


On November 8, 2019, at 7:00 p.m., Maria Guzman stopped her vehicle at a red light in the left lane of Kings Highway East in Fairfield, Connecticut. Lucas Rodrigues, driving a vehicle owned by Aquiles Dasilveira-Rodrigues, approached Guzman’s stopped vehicle from behind in the same lane. Without warning or attempting to brake, Rodrigues crashed directly into Guzman’s vehicle. The collision resulted from Rodrigues’ negligent driving, including his failure to maintain a proper lookout, brake, or swerve, as well as his inattentiveness, excessive speed, improper lane usage, and following too closely. Rodrigues operated the vehicle with Dasilveira-Rodrigues’ permission and acted as his agent, servant, and/or employee at the time of the accident.


Maria Guzman sustained multiple injuries from the collision. Her primary injury was a cervical spine injury with radiculopathy, which required surgical intervention. She also suffered from neck, shoulder, and arm pain, a head contusion, headaches, and both mental and physical pain and suffering. The complaint indicated that some or all of these injuries might be permanent.


The collision caused Guzman to incur substantial damages in multiple categories. She faced medical expenses for immediate treatment and is expected to require future medical care. The accident led to lost wages and diminished her overall earning capacity. Furthermore, Guzman experienced a significant reduction in her ability to participate in and enjoy her usual activities, severely impacting her quality of life. uzman sought monetary damages from the defendants.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal representation

  • Plaintiff(s): Maria Guzman


Guzman filed claims against both Lucas Rodrigues (First Count) and Aquiles Dasilveira-Rodrigues (Second Count) in a Car crash lawsuit. Against Rodrigues, she alleged negligent operation of the vehicle and violations of multiple Connecticut General Statutes, including §14-218a (unreasonable speed), §14-240(a) (following too closely), and §14-230(a) (failure to maintain a proper lane). Against Dasilveira-Rodrigues, she claimed liability as the vehicle owner and under agency principles, pursuant to Connecticut General Statutes §52-182 and §52-183.


The defendants partially admitted but largely contested the facts of the incident. They acknowledged that Maria Guzman operated a vehicle on Kings Highway East in Fairfield, Connecticut, on November 8, 2019, at 7:00 p.m. They also confirmed that Lucas Rodrigues drove a vehicle owned by Aquiles Dasilveira-Rodrigues in the left lane of the same road. The defendants admitted that the vehicles made contact but denied the plaintiff’s characterization of how the collision occurred. They acknowledged that Rodrigues operated the vehicle with Dasilveira-Rodrigues’ permission but denied any agency relationship between them. The defendants chose to neither admit nor deny the plaintiff’s claimed injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, and reduced quality of life, leaving these matters for the plaintiff to prove.

The defendants asserted that Guzman’s own negligence caused her injuries, either wholly or in part in a Car crash lawsuit. They claimed that Guzman:

  • Failed to maintain proper attention and lookout for other vehicles
  • Lost control of her vehicle
  • Failed to stop or turn to avoid the collision
  • Failed to yield the right of way
  • Drove too fast for the road conditions
  • Exceeded the posted speed limit
  • Failed to properly yield when exiting a private driveway

The defendants cited Connecticut General Statutes, including Section 14-218a (unreasonable speed) and Section 14-247 (failure to yield when exiting a private driveway), to shift liability onto the plaintiff. They asserted that Guzman’s contributory negligence played a role in causing the accident.

Expert Testimony

Dr. Patrick Mastroianni, the Plaintiff’s expert, testified about Maria Guzman’s medical condition, including his examinations, findings, and diagnosis. He discussed the nature and extent of her injuries, their causation, treatment, prognosis, and the costs of future care.

Dr. Stephen F. Calderon, the Defendant’s expert in neurosurgery and spinal surgery, testified regarding Guzman’s cervical and lumbar spine injuries. He addressed the causal link between her injuries and the November 8, 2019, motor vehicle accident and assessed the necessity of her cervical spine surgery. Lieutenant Michael Paris also testified about his investigation into the motor vehicle accident.

Jury Verdict

On October 15, 2024, the jury found in favor of the defendants and against the plaintiff in a Car crash lawsuit.

Court Documents:



Jury Verdict