Vito Ramos et al v. Logan Giantonio et al

Parties Involved


  • Defendant(s):Logan Giantonio | Jeffery Giantonio
    • Counsel for Defendants: Hanks Olsen & Sheehan | Conway Stoughton LLC
    • Experts for Defendant(s): John Zolock, PhD, PE

Verdict Information

  • Verdict Date: May 7, 2024
  • Total damages awarded to Plaintiff(s): $1,416,865.55
    • For past economic damages: $190,474.55
    •  For future economic damages: $138,173
    • For non-economic damages: $1,088,218

About the Case


On July 13, 2021, around 2:24 p.m., a serious car crash occurred on Route 112 in Salisbury, Connecticut. Vito Ramos was driving westbound on Route 112, approximately 50 feet east of the intersection with Route 44. Aurelien Marchesi and Heather Ramos Marchesi were passengers in Ramos’ vehicle.

At the same time, Logan Giantonio was driving a vehicle owned by Jeffery Giantonio eastbound on Route 112, also about 50 feet east of the Route 44 intersection. Suddenly and without warning, Logan Giantonio’s vehicle crossed over the double yellow center lines and collided head-on with Vito Ramos’ vehicle.

The plaintiffs alleged that Logan Giantonio’s negligent and reckless driving caused the violent car accident. Specifically, they claimed he failed to maintain a proper lookout, failed to turn or brake to avoid the collision, failed to sound the horn, lost control of the vehicle, drove inattentively, and exceeded a reasonable speed given the road conditions.


As a result of the car accident, the plaintiffs suffered severe personal injuries, including head trauma, headaches, loss of consciousness, neck injuries (with Vito Ramos requiring neck surgery), shoulder pain, arm pain, wrist pain, scarring, burns, back pain, and leg pain. They incurred substantial medical expenses for hospital care, medications, diagnostic tests, and therapy, and they may require future medical treatment. Additionally, the plaintiffs experienced lost wages, diminished earning capacity, and an inability to participate in their usual activities due to their injuries.


The complaint sought monetary damages for the plaintiffs’ personal injuries, medical expenses, lost wages, pain and suffering, and other losses resulting from Logan Giantonio’s negligence and recklessness. It also demanded punitive and exemplary damages, as well as double or treble damages under Connecticut’s reckless driving statute (Connecticut General Statutes § 14-295).

Jury Verdict

The jury awarded $1,416,865.55 to the plaintiffs. Out of that amount, $190,474.55 was for past economic damages. An additional $138,173 was for future economic damages. The remaining $1,088,218 was for non-economic damages.

Court Documents:


Jury Verdict