Catharine Hudgens, individually and as Personal Representative for the Estate of Lew Hudgens v. Rainbow Ranch Holdings, LLC

Case Background

Plaintiff Catharine Hudgens filed the Wrongful death lawsuit in the Montana District Court on March 15, 2021 (Case number: 2:23cv5). Judge Peter Ohman presided over the case.


Lew and Catharine Hudgens checked into Rainbow Ranch Lodge in Big Sky, Montana, for their honeymoon on January 11, 2021. After several days without contact, their family requested wellness checks, but the lodge staff failed to perform them. On January 15, the lodge’s general manager found Lew deceased and Catharine severely disoriented in their room. A poorly maintained spa boiler in an adjacent room had released carbon monoxide, which seeped through the wall and caused the tragedy. The carbon monoxide alarm that should have been in the room had been removed before their stay.


Lew Hudgens died from carbon monoxide poisoning. Catharine Hudgens suffered severe disorientation and trauma due to the exposure. The extent of her physical injuries wasn’t specified, but she likely experienced typical carbon monoxide poisoning symptoms, including headaches, dizziness, nausea, and potential long-term neurological effects.


Catharine Hudgens suffered substantial damages due to her husband’s death. She also experienced significant non-economic losses, including the profound loss of love, companionship, comfort, care, assistance, and protection that a husband-wife relationship provides.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal representation

  • Plaintiff(s): Catharine Hudgens, individually and as Personal Representative for the Estate of Lew Hudgens
    • Counsel for Plaintiff: George W. “Skip” Finkbohner| David S. Cain | Justin P. Stalpes
  • Defendant(s):Rainbow Ranch Holdings, LLC dba Rainbow Ranch | Scott Nelson
    • Counsel for Defendants: John V. McCoy| Jillian L. Lukens | Alexander L. Roots


Catharine Hudgens filed a complaint against Rainbow Ranch and its general manager, Scott Nelson, in the Montana Eighteenth Judicial District Court, Gallatin County. She alleged negligence resulting in Lew’s death and her own injuries. The specific claims included the failure to properly maintain the spa boiler, the absence of the legally required carbon monoxide alarm in their room, and neglect in performing wellness checks despite family requests. Rainbow Ranch defended itself by attributing the issues to various plumbing contractors involved in the boiler’s installation, service, and maintenance. They acknowledged the lack of carbon monoxide alarms and welfare checks but argued that the malfunctioning spa boiler was the primary cause of the damages.


Rainbow Ranch Lodge defended against Catharine Hudgens’ allegations by shifting responsibility to various plumbing contractors. They claimed these contractors were responsible for installing, servicing, and maintaining the spa boiler that malfunctioned. The lodge asserted it had taken all necessary and appropriate actions to maintain the boiler by employing outside contractors. Although Rainbow Ranch acknowledged their failure to have working carbon monoxide alarms and conduct requested welfare checks, they maintained that the malfunctioning spa boiler was the primary cause of the damages. The lodge argued they had fulfilled their duty of care by hiring professional contractors for the boiler’s upkeep.

Jury Verdict

On April 10, 2024, the jury awarded Catharine Hudgens a substantial sum of $15 million in damages, reflecting the severity of the negligence and the devastating impact of the incident on her life.

Court Documents:

Available Upon Request