Donald Morgan v. Hydie Morgan, et al.

On July 8, 2024, the Florida jury delivered a $300,000 verdict in favor of Donald Morgan after finding his wife’s extra-marital partner liable for defamation and slander which led to Donald’s wrongful termination.

Case Background

On June 21, 2022, Donald Morgan filed a defamation lawsuit against his wife and her lover before the Florida State, Duval County, Fourth Circuit Court. Judge Michael Sharrit presided over this case. [Case number: 2022-CA-003547]


Donald Morgan and Hydie Morgan were married. Hydie worked for Chidi Uche, a medical doctor, who employed her as a phlebotomist. In May 2020, Donald discovered that Hydie and Chidi were having an affair. This revelation caused significant stress, as Donald opposed the affair and sought to salvage his marriage.

On June 23, 2020, Donald, employed by a company surveying naval ships, was informed of a 30-day deployment to Diego Garcia. At that time, Donald and Hydie were still living together, and he informed her of the assignment.

On June 25, 2020, Defendants conspired to damage Donald’s reputation to discourage him from interfering. They orchestrated a call to Donald’s employer, pretending Chidi was Donald’s primary care physician. However, Chidi had never been Donald’s physician and had not provided any medical care.

During the call, Chidi, with Hydie’s agreement, falsely claimed that Plaintiff suffered from a mental illness, had physically harmed his family, and had been involuntarily institutionalized. Chidi suggested that the employer reconsider the Plaintiff’s employment based on these allegations.

The next day, due to these false and malicious statements, the Plaintiff’s employer informed him that, based on the “doctor’s” advice, it had no choice but to terminate his employment. Despite Donald’s attempts to prove the call was fraudulent, the employer believed the allegations were true.

As a result, Plaintiff Donald Morgan was wrongfully terminated on June 26, 2020.


Defendant Hydies’ actions caused Donald significant consequences. He faced distrust, hatred, and contempt, which damaged his reputation and employment, leading to personal humiliation and mental distress. Hydie’s actions, especially in collaboration with Chidi, a medical doctor, were extreme and outrageous. They inflicted severe emotional distress on Donald, further highlighting the egregious nature of her conduct.


Donald sought compensatory damages from Chidi Uche, including costs of the suit, attorney’s fees, and any other relief deemed appropriate by the Court.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal Representation

  • Plaintiff(s): Donald Morgan
    • Counsel for Plaintiff(s): Pro se
  • Defendant(s): Hydie Morgan | Chidi Uche
    • Counsel for Defendant(s): Boris Galustov


Chidi’s statements falsely claimed Donald had physically harmed his family and suffered severe mental illness, amounting to defamation per se. Chidi intended these statements to retaliate against Donald and cause harm. The Defendants’ conspiracy led to Donald’s termination.


In response, the Defendants denied all allegations levied against them and demanded strict proof to back up the claims.

Jury Verdict

On July 8, 2024, the Florida jury found that the slander, defamatory statements, and outrageous conduct, by Defendant, Chidi Uche, was a legal cause of loss and damage to Plaintiff. The jury awarded $300,000 in damages to the Plaintiff for defamation. The breakdown of the total amount is as follows:
  • Economic damages: $280,000
    • Past lost earnings: $100,000
    • Future lost earnings: $180,000
  • Non-economic damages: $20,000
    • Past: $10,000
    • Future: $10,000

Court Documents:

Available upon request