Abreu, Christina v. Amiri, Yalda Et Al

On June 21, 2024, the Connecticut jury delivered a $100,203.35 verdict in favor of Plaintiff Christina Abreu. The present lawsuit arose due to a motor vehicle accident caused by the Defendant’s negligence and recklessness.

Case Background

On June 2, 2021, Christina Abreu filed a lawsuit alleging negligence before the Connecticut State, Superior Court, Hartford Division.  Judge Eric Smith presided over this case. [Case number: HHD-CV21-6142904-S]


On or around May 22, 2019, Christina Abreu, the Plaintiff, was driving her vehicle through an intersection in Hartford with a green light in the straight travel lane. At that time and place, Yalda Amiri, referred to as Defendant Amiri, was driving a 2000 Toyota Prius and approaching the same intersection in the left-turn-only lane adjacent to Plaintiff’s lane. Suddenly and without warning, Defendant Amiri turned right, crossing into Plaintiff’s lane of travel and colliding with the driver’s side of Plaintiff’s vehicle. This incident resulted in severe injuries, damages, and losses to Plaintiff.

At the time of the collision, Wahid Rayan referred to as Defendant Rayan owned the motor vehicle that Defendant Amiri was operating. Defendant Rayan had full knowledge of and consented to its use. On that date and at that location, Defendant Amiri operated the vehicle as an agent, servant, or employee of Defendant Rayan under Connecticut General Statutes Sections 52-183.


As a result, either in part or entirely due to the collision, Plaintiff experienced and continued to endure neck pain, back pain, right shoulder pain, pain in both knees and hips, headaches, restlessness, mental anguish, nervousness, emotional distress, and severe trauma to her nervous system. Some or all of these injuries were likely permanent.

Additionally, as a consequence of the collision, Plaintiff accrued expenses for medical care, including injections, medication, X-rays, and physical therapy. It was likely that her injuries would necessitate ongoing medical treatment and expenses, causing significant financial hardship. Furthermore, due to the collision, Plaintiff’s ability to fully enjoy and engage in life’s activities was and would continue to be impaired, resulting in substantial loss and harm to her.


The Plaintiff sought monetary compensation and any additional relief deemed appropriate by the Court.

Key Arguments and Proceedings

Legal Representation


Plaintiff alleged that the motor vehicle accident resulted from Defendant Amiri’s negligence, as she:
1. Failed to maintain a proper lookout and observe her surroundings carefully.
2. Neglected to sound her horn or provide any warning of the impending collision.
3. Did not control and operate her vehicle responsibly.
4. Drove at an excessive speed violating Connecticut General Statutes § 14-218a.
5. Drove at an unreasonable speed given the road conditions.
6. Failed to apply brakes in a timely manner to avoid the collision.
7. Did not take evasive action such as stopping, swerving, or maneuvering to prevent the collision.
8. Changed lanes without regard for the safety of other vehicles on the road.
9. Violated Connecticut General Statutes Sections 14-232(a)(1) by failing to maintain a safe distance while passing another vehicle.
10. Violated Connecticut General Statutes Sections 14-242 by failing to signal properly and moving right and left without ensuring reasonable safety.
11. Executed an improper lane change.
12. Violated Connecticut General Statutes § 14-236 by either failing to drive in the proper lane or changing lanes unsafely.


As a special defense to all counts, it was asserted that any injuries, losses, or damages claimed by Plaintiff resulting from the incident described in her Complaint were, at least partially, directly caused by the negligence of Plaintiff Christina Abreu, which significantly contributed to the accident. Specifically, it was asserted that she:

a. Failed to maintain a reasonable and proper lookout or pay attention to her surroundings;
b. Drove the motor vehicle at a speed higher than was appropriate given the circumstances;
c. Neglected to sound her horn or provide any warning to the defendant of the impending collision;
d. Failed to apply her brakes or take any action to slow down or stop to prevent the collision;
e. Did not maintain proper control over the operation of her motor vehicle; and
f. Did not maneuver the motor vehicle to avoid the collision.

Expert Testimony

The Plaintiff’s experts, namely George B. Curry, D.C., Steven C. Shifreen, M.D., and Daniel Lee, M.D.  testified regarding their examination and treatment of Plaintiff, Christina Abreu, as well as their diagnoses, findings, treatment, and prognosis concerning her injuries and conditions allegedly sustained in the incident

Jury Verdict

On June 21, 2024, the Connecticut jury found the issues in favor of the Plaintiff, Christina Abreu. They awarded her a total sum of $100,203.35 in damages caused by the Defendant’s negligence. The breakdown of the sum is as follows:

  • Economic damages: $14,203.35
  • Non-economic damages: $86,000

On July 05, 2024, Judge Eric Smith entered a judgment upholding the verdict for Plaintiff.

Court Documents:


